Ingredient focus: the benefits of hemp
A variety of plant from the Cannabaceae family, hemp (Cannabis Sativa in Latin) is one of the oldest plants domesticated by man. Its use was found in -400 BC in Central Asia. Over the centuries, the uses of hemp multiplied for medical care, boat sails, clothing, ropes, papers... At the end of the 19th century, hemp is particularly used in Europe for its therapeutic virtues. Hemp is often wrongly associated with cannabis. Although they refer to the same plant, there are different varieties. In this sense, it is important to distinguish between recreational hemp and industrial hemp, which are opposed by a very low THC content, taller stems and an abundance of seeds. Only varieties with a content of less than 0.2% are legal according to the European Cosmetic Regulation (EC) 1223/2009. However, the use of hemp in the world is subject to controversy, especially in Asia. Hemp has many virtues, in food, cosmetics or as a material for industry. Hemp is used from its seeds, from which hemp oil is extracted via cold pressing. Its richness in polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-6, omega-3), proteins, essential amino acids and vitamins make it a real miracle oil. Hemp oil has various external benefits for the body: It can be applied to the skin of the body, face and hair and is found in many cosmetics. Hemp water can also be used in cosmetic products: it also has nourishing and softening properties. Don't wait any longer to discover the range of hemp-based products carefully and passionately developed by our R&D team: moisturizing cream, booster serum, hair mask... Do not hesitate to contact us to receive samples!What is hemp?
Why hemp in cosmetics?